
Hallingdal Kraftnett

Upgrade of overhead line between Kleivi and Tunehago

Hallingdal Kraftnett constructs environmentally friendly and simultaneously educates younger colleagues

24 WOPAS poles, 10-14 meters , with a butt diameter of 30-37 cm, were delivered during the winter of 2018/2019 at Kleivi Næringspark. The current line between Kleivi and Tunehago was built in 1949 and called for upgrade. The project was planned internally by the network owner, HKN, and was used as an educational initiative to pass on knowledge about overhead line construction to younger employees from various assembly departments of the network owner.

For transporting the poles in pairs across the rugged and rocky terrain, approximately 2.5-meter-long PE pipes were used as protective tubes. The poles' butt ends were placed within the PE pipes, extending about 30 cm. The two poles were secured using tension straps. Additionally, tension straps ran from each PE pipe to a pulling point at the top of the poles. Given the challenging terrain, this method was highly suitable to avoid any unnecessary damage to the poles.

Project video - pole climbing

WOPAS is the new alternative for power-, tele- and marine poles.

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